Algarve's Touristic and Gastronomic Passport

Almond-flavoured Cake

Serves 12

  • 0.5 kg of sugar ;
  • 8 egg yolks ;
  • 160 grs of Malabar gourd preserve ;
  • 160 grs of almonds ;
  • 100 grs of walnuts ;
  • 30 grs of figs ;
  • 60 grs of margarine ;
  • 50 grs of bread crumbs ;
  • 50 grs of chopped preserved pumpkin


Boil the sugar for a few minutes until it forms a slightly thick, unbroken string when dripped from a spoon. As soon as this occurs, add the Malabar gourd preserve and the margarine. Stir well and take off the stove.
Then add the almonds, already mixed with the breadcrumbs, together with the walnuts, figs and pumpkin and after that the egg yolks, lightly beaten.
Bake the cake in a medium oven in a tin lined with buttered, grease-proof paper. Bake slowly.

Algarve Tourist Region

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