Algarve's Touristic and Gastronomic Passport

Honey Cake, Sagres Style

Serves 12

  • 250 grs of sugar ;
  • 300 grs of wet flower ;
  • 8 eggs ;
  • 2 dl of olive oil ;
  • 1/4 l of honey ;
  • 10 grs of baking powder


Beat the egg yolks thoroughly with the sugar.
Place the olive oil and honey in another pan and boil them.
Then let this mixture cool off and add the sugar beaten with the egg yolks. Stir in the sifted flour and the baking powder and finally the egg whites beaten stiff.
Pour into a buttered and floured tray and bake in the oven.
When it is cold, cut the cake up into squares. it can also be baked in a tin. Decorate to taste.

Algarve Tourist Region

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