Algarve's Touristic and Gastronomic Passport

Algarve Delight Cake

Serves 14

  • 0,5 kg of sugar ;
  • 30 egg yolks ;
  • 300 grs of almonds ;
  • 70 grs of margarine ;
  • 5 grs of cinnamon ;
  • 50 grs of pumpkin preserve in syrup ;
  • 200 grs of Malabar preserve


Boil the sugar for a few minutes until it forms a slightly thick, unbroken string between the fingers.
Fold the sugar into the egg yolks stirring very quickly.
Add the almonds, the margarine and the pumpkin cut into small fragments. Put on the flame again so it thickens.
Butter a tin and line it with grease-proof paper. Pour in the mixture with alternate layers of cinnamon and Malabar gourd to preserve.
Put on the flame to dry a little.
Decorate to taste.

Algarve Tourist Region

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