Algarve's Touristic and Gastronomic Passport

Baked Hake, Algarve Style

Serves 4

  • 800 grs of hake ;
  • 150 grs of onions ;
  • 2 cloves of garlic ;
  • 2 dl of olive oil ;
  • 1 bunch of parsley ;
  • 15 grs of paprika ;
  • 600 grs of cauliflower ;
  • 1 dl of dry white wine ;
  • salt to taste ;
  • pepper to taste ;
  • water


Prepare the hake and wash it in cold water. Season with salt.
Peel the onions and cut them into rings. Peel and mince the garlic.
Pour olive oil into an oven tray and then place the hake in it. Over the hake place the garlic, onions, paprika and pepper. Pour the remaining olive oil and the white wine over the hake. Place the tray in the oven to bake.
Clean the cauliflower and put it in cold water. Then boil it in a pan with water and salt.
When the hake is ready, sprinkle it with chopped parsley. Garnish with the cauliflower.

Hint: If possible use a whole hake.

Algarve Tourist Region

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