Algarve's Touristic and Gastronomic Passport

Dainty Cake

Serves 8

  • 250 grs of sugar ;
  • 3 eggs + 3 egg yolks ;
  • 250 grs of husked almonds ;
  • 50 grs of butter ;
  • 75 grs of egg-yolks (fios de ovos) ;
  • 40 grs of Malabar gourd preserve ;
  • 30 grs of candied orange peel ;
  • flour and sugar to taste


Join the whole egg and the egg yolks to the sugar and beat very hard.
Add the almonds (peeled and ground), butter, egg yolks (fios de ovos), the Malabar gourd preserve and the minced orange peel.
Pour the mixture into a well buttered round tin that has been sprinkled with flour and bake in a moderate oven for 50 minutes.
Afterwards take it out of the tin and sprinkle it with sugar while it is still warm.

Algarve Tourist Region

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