Dom Rodrigos
Makes 6 sweet-meats
- 250
grs of fios de ovos (an egg-yolk sweet) ;
- 50
grs of husked, grated almonds ;
- 250
grs of sugar ;
- 0.5
dl of water ;
- 4
egg yolks ;
- cinnamon
to taste
200 grs of sugar in a pan and cover it with water. Place on the flame
and boil for two minutes until the sugar forms pearl-like drops when
dripped from a spoon.
Take off the stove and stir in the almonds. Let everything become
lukewarm, then add the egg yolks and place on the flame again, stiring
until the mixture thickens. Sprinkle with a little cinnamon.
With the remaining sugar and water, make a syrup by boiling until the
sugar forms a string when dripped from a spoon.
Pour the syrup into a frying-pan and place it on the flame. When
it boils, add the fios de ovos and, on the lattter, the previously made
mixture of sugar, almonds and egg yolks.
With the help of two spatulas, mix the fios de ovos and the mixture
until they are completely blended.
Let everything brown and then take it out of the frying-pan.
Distribute the mixture in equal amounts among 6 tin squares, join the
four angles of each square and roll them up.
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